This is what we have one to date with our project.
5/13/2010 11:28:12 am

So thus far, we have been updating our website on a regular basis and we recently made a powerpoint explaining the history of our time period and eplaining what aspects of the time period we are going to satirize.

5/13/2010 11:35:05 am

5/13/2010 11:41:51 am

we finished a powerpoint summarizing our topic and what we will be satirizing in our skit. i am currently working on a brief summary of King William III's life. particularly dealing with the glorious revolution

5/13/2010 01:16:19 pm

snowball, i like your idea. but also i really liked mr. p's idea of adding arrogance into our play, and how selfishness consumed william as he took the throne... kinda leaving out mary II, and james favoring william over his daughter... or something like that. im in a work in progress of the flow of our play.... random thoughts keep coming up(:

5/16/2010 10:55:15 am

So we are still working on this website and updating it as we go. At this point we will all be working on our articles and we will be having another meeting tomorrow to get final plans for our movie [:

5/16/2010 09:21:33 pm

i am working on my summary of my character's life, almost finished. we have worked on updating the website and will be having another meeting today after school to discuss plans for the movie

5/16/2010 09:30:50 pm

like snowball i also have been finding facts about my character Mary II, so i can be prepared for our meeting today after school to discuss plans for our video... such as the plot, wardrobe, etc


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